Growth Marketer challenge
Growth Marketer challenge

Growth Marketer challenge

Welcome to this Growth Marketer challenge! We will ask you to complete the following exercise as part of our interview process. It aims to assess your technical proficiency as well as your storytelling and creative skills. This will take the form of a business case, and should not take more than 3h of your time.

You can send us the result as a simple document via email, or any format you fancy. Also, we are more than happy to answer any questions along the way via email or Slack!

Dive into our Help Center, website & YT channel to better answer all of the questions

This document is made to provide you with relevant information that you might need to conduct this business case. It is organized in the following fashion:

  1. Context
  2. Pain points for Sales Reps
  3. Surfe’s Mission
  4. Surfe’s Vision
  5. The challenge


CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management. As the name suggests, CRM software is a system for managing your relationships with customers.

CRM software helps organisations keep track of customer and prospect interactions, data, and notes in a central database, accessible to multiple users.

Sales representatives often find it tedious to manually enter data into their CRM, as most of their interactions occur outside of the system. To address this issue, Surfe was created to reduce the burden of manual data entry while ensuring the accuracy, relevance, and timeliness of the data in the CRM.

Surfe's features are designed to address the challenges that sales reps face in their daily CRM interactions. No more pain – just smooth sailing 🏄‍♂️

Pain points for sales reps

  • No insights into LinkedIn and social media activities.
  • Inaccurate and incomplete CRM data.
  • Excessive copying and pasting.
  • Reaching out to the same contacts twice.
  • A cumbersome and complicated tool stack.


Surfe makes it easy to add leads and increase productivity by bringing CRM features to the forefront of your favorite sales tools and platforms (e.g. LinkedIn). This helps revenue teams minimize admin, maximize productivity, and make more sales.


Surfe is making outbound work, helping sales teams prospecting, finding contact details and nurturing their leads, right from where sales happen.

What is a no-no for us?

We have no intention of becoming another LinkedIn message automation tool. This decision is based on LinkedIn's rules and regulations, which is to ban users who use automation tools.

Challenges to tackle

Bear in mind our customers spend between 1k€/year (self-service) to 20k€/year (sales team involved) on Surfe, which makes our revenue model geared towards no-touch/low-touch

Your goal is to help build Surfe’s formula for growth, focusing on lead generation to fill the Self-Service & Sales pipelines.

Motto: Target the right companies with the right message at the right time

1️⃣ Lead Generation

In collaboration with HubSpot, Surfe has written an E-Book about Social Selling. To broaden its reach, HubSpot and Surfe have initiated individual distribution efforts through diverse channels.

As there is a lead-sharing agreement in place with HubSpot, the lead goal of Surfe is to reach a total of 1,500 leads (aka downloads) in order to unlock access to the leads generated by HubSpot.

Task Instructions:

  1. We've got with the Ebook 10% of the lead goal so far, what would be your ideas to reach 100%? Share a few methods you would use to bridge the gap.
  2. Let’s say we have reached 1,500 downloads. What would be another idea to develop a stronger co-marketing/ partnership with HubSpot, choose one and write a Playbook.
Submission: Please compile your playbook document - we like bullet points. You may include creative visuals or mock-ups to support your idea. Be prepared to present and discuss your strategy with the hiring team. We are not expecting another ebook.
Assessment Criteria
Exclusion criteria
Creativity in lead generation and promotion
Design of Presentation
Clarity of your plan
Create a collaborative partnership strategy
Approach to managing leads
Demonstrating value from the partnership

2️⃣ Audit of website's performance using Google Analytics/ Search Console

You have been granted access to our Google Analytics and Search Console accounts for our website. Your task is to conduct an in-depth audit of our online performance and propose a strategy to increase rankings, traffic, and ultimately, conversions (sign-ups). Please answer the following questions and provide a detailed plan (like an agency would):

Keyword and Content Analysis:

  1. Perform keyword research to identify high-potential keywords related to our business. Prioritize keywords based on search volume, relevance, and competition.
  2. Evaluate our current content strategy. Are there content gaps that need to be filled? Propose content optimization or creation strategies.

Netlinking Campaign:

  1. Provide a way to identify potential partners (blogs, press, websites or other SaaS) to collaborate with the primary purpose of building backlinks. Propose a way to categorize these partners.
  2. From these different partner categories, provide offers from Surfe that would fit each one and convince them to link back to us.
  3. From the different tiers of potential partners (small players to established ones) propose different approaches to get in touch and achieve goals.

Bonus: Besides building backlinks, how would you push these partnerships further?

Submission: Please compile your findings and strategy proposal into a well-structured document or presentation - we like bullet points. Submit all documents needed to illustrate your points. Be prepared to present and discuss your findings and strategy with the hiring team.
Assessment Criteria
Exclusion criteria
Depth of Analysis
Design of Presentation
Creativity of proposed strategy
Prioritize activities within the given budget
Communication skills during the presentations

Useful resources

Our demo video Faq page (contains objections) Example of case studies Email outreach resource

Sales deck

Surfe sales deck.pdf9912.5KB