Growth Engineer challenge
Growth Engineer challenge

Growth Engineer challenge

Welcome to this Growth Engineer challenge! We will ask you to complete the following exercise as part of our interview process. It aims at assessing your technical proficiency and knowledge in organizational growth. This will take the form of a business case, and should not take more than 2h of your time.

You can send us the result as a simple document via email, or any format you fancy.

Dive into our Help Center, website & YT channel to better answer all of the questions

This document is made to provide you with relevant information that you might need to conduct this business case. It is organized in the following fashion:

  1. Pretext
  2. Day in the life of a Sales Rep
  3. Pain points for Sales Reps
  4. Surfe’s features
  5. SWOT analysis
  6. Surfe’s Mission
  7. Surfe’s Vision
  8. The challenge


CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management. As the name suggests, CRM software is a system for managing your relationships with customers.

CRM software helps organisations keep track of customer and prospect interactions, data, and notes in a central database, accessible to multiple users.

Sales representatives often find it tedious to manually enter data into their CRM, as most of their interactions occur outside of the system. To address this issue, Surfe was created to reduce the burden of manual data entry while ensuring the accuracy, relevance, and timeliness of the data in the CRM.

Surfe's features are designed to address the challenges that sales reps face in their daily CRM interactions. No more pain – just smooth sailing 🏄‍♂️


Pain points for sales reps

  • No insights into LinkedIn and social media activities.
  • Inaccurate and incomplete CRM data.
  • Excessive copying and pasting.
  • Reaching out to the same contacts twice.
  • A cumbersome and complicated tool stack.

Features offered by Surfe to tackle the above pain points

(You can expand each section)

Add to CRM

CRM Fields integration

Deals & Deals Pipeline View



Contact Updates

Message Sync

List Export

Smart Templates


SWOT analysis

Strengths • 2 way sync between LinkedIn and 4 CRMs • Prevent double contacting • Quick onboarding and Intuitive user interface/ ease of use • Combining enrichment tools to have best results • GDPR compliant and ISO certified
Opportunities • Have access to your CRM from every website • Target enterprise companies • Expand to more CRMs
Weakness • No automation • Functions only on LinkedIn (for now)
Threats • Competition from full automation tools • LinkedIn rules and guidelines


Surfe makes it easy to add leads and increase productivity by bringing CRM features to the forefront of your favorite sales tools and platforms (e.g. LinkedIn). This helps revenue teams minimize admin, maximize productivity, and make more sales.


Surfe is making outbound work, helping sales teams prospecting, finding contact details and nurturing their leads, right from where sales happen, LinkedIn.

What is a no-no for us?

We have no intention of becoming another LinkedIn message automation tool. This decision is based on LinkedIn's rules and regulations, which is to ban users who use automation tools.

Challenges to tackle

Bear in mind our customers spend between 1k€/year (self-service) to 10k€/year (sales team involved) on Surfe, which makes our revenue model geared towards no-touch/low-touch

Your goal is to help build Surfe’s formula for growth, focusing on lead generation to fill the Self-Service & Sales pipelines.

Motto: Target the right companies with the right message at the right time

1️⃣ Sourcing

One of your mission will be to identify/source companies which fit our ICP and move them down the funnel towards self-service or to fill the Sales team’s pipeline.

🎯 Goal - Let’s say we want to target 200 companies that fit the following criteria:

  • HQ Country: France - Germany
  • Company size: 100-1000 employees
  • Having a sales department of 15+ people
  • The company’s product or service is quite “expensive”, justifying using Surfe for their sales team
  1. How would you find them? (share 10 examples of companies)

Please describe your process and tools

  1. Within those organizations, which individuals would you target? How would you find them?

Please describe your process and tools

  1. What key information would you import into our data stack?

Share some examples on the company & contact level

📌 Note: we're not asking you to provide those 200 companies - we ask you to describe the process.

2️⃣ Buying intents

We would like to use buyer intents like “new sales recently hired” to identify companies that are more likely to buy our solution. These intents/signals are also a way to improve outreach personalization as they can give us useful information on a company.

🎯 Goal - Are you able to find 2-3 other intent/signals we could use to source good leads?

For each one, describe why it’s interesting to (i) identify relevant companies and (ii) personalize your outreach messages.

3️⃣ Lead Gen experiments

Describe some key experiments (outbound/inbound) you would run in the first few months in Surfe, based on the provided context and previous answers. We’ll discuss them in the technical interview.

Useful resources

Our demo video Faq page (contains objections) Example of case studies Email outreach resource

Sales deck

Surfe sales deck.pdf9912.5KB